Thursday, July 9, 2009

What Asimov's Law?

Okay, that wonderful new red rabbit security program Mycroft stuck on my computer? It's gone all I, Robot and decided that I am engaging in self-destructive behavior by visiting some of my favorite websites. I don't care what you think about fanfic, Myke. I don't appreciate my computer automatically navigating away from fansites. And I hate it when my machinery gets all sanctimonious and acts for my own good. I know Myke wrote all those little warning messages. They ooze smugness.
I've been trying to infiltrate Administrative mode so I can actually make changes. It took hours, since I'm fairly sure my computer is hiding the files from me. The little bunny cartoon search helper makes such an innocent face when it tells me it can't find my crap. The computer also apparently learns from our encounters, and adapts its defense mechanisms accordingly. I don't have anything on my computer that is labeled 'control panel,' 'administrator,' 'security,' or 'fuck you, search engine'. I finally called Myke and threatened to take this computer apart with a screwdriver looking for the motherboard. All problems can be solved with a creative enough application of violence.

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