Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wholesome Family Fun

I spent four hours in the car today, with my little sister whining that I was obviously hogging all the air conditioning despite all the vents being aimed at her. Sigh. I am thankful for the inventor of text messaging, since it kept her busy for most of the trip. I buried my nose in a book, but towards the end of the trip I started counting cows. Yes, I'm in THAT part of Florida. We're at my aunt and uncle's house. They don't personally own any cows, but they have a few horses. We're staying there for a whole weekend of fun. We had a family picnic, where I made subtle use of cryogenesis to discourage ants from attacking me, and also ward off food poisoning from the potato salad. I don't even like potato salad, but I had to eat some to make Aunt Eliza happy, despite the obvious risks of mayonnaise in the sweltering sun. I managed to keep from restocking the ice in the cooler, even after it all turned into slush because Jordan left it open. That would have been a little too obvious, and now is really not the time to out myself as a cryogenetic. Not in the wake of what Killer Frost did, and definitely not to my extended family. I mean, they're not even willing to admit that Mycroft is a metatech.
Mycroft is my cousin. I call him Myke, and I can get away with it because I'm older and stronger than he is, and I can get him in a mean headlock. He is the only reason I have internet access right now, way out in the sticks. He's more of a software metatech than the engineer type, but he's managed to do something with turbines and satellite programming so we have internet at his house. Despite the fact that his parents still think they have dial-up. I'm not too curious about the details, because I'm not certain that this is strictly legal. Knowing Myke, he's got some sort of arcane legal loophole prepared in case he gets caught. The whole family knows he's a metatech, even if his parents refuse to admit it. No, their son just has natural talent, by gosh. None of that cheating superpower stuff for him. He's just a whiz with computers, and would love to fix the family computers in his free time. It's his hobby, isn't it? And of course he'll set the timer on the VCR. And explain the functions of the microwave. Myke drew the line at fixing cars, though. He hates engine grease with a passion.
I haven't told Myke that I'm a cryogenetic. I think maybe I should. I mean, we don't get along all the time, but he is my favorite cousin. He's reliable and knows how to keep secrets. I'm pretty sure he's even keeping a few government secrets that aren't really his to keep. He's a metatech, so he could understand where I'm coming from with the superpowers thing. I tried to bring it up subtly in conversation, but Myke's not too good at nuances, and he spent most of the day twiddling morosely on some sleek little phone thing that projects a hologram touch screen about twice its size. I think it might have started as an iPhone. He loves the outdoors just as much as I do. Anyway, I gotta sign off. We're fishing tomorrow. I think I'm gonna fake a cold and stay home. I can certainly fake shivers, a cold sweat and clammy skin.

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