What are the odds that this blog will inadvertantly reveal my identity to the internet at large? Pretty slim, actually. I fudge dates, names and locations. You really think there's a place called Coral Pines? I'm not linking this site to any personal business, I'm not posting pictures of my cats or my room, and I'm definitely not sticking my real name up here.
I don't think anybody's really invested in figuring out my secrets. If the creepy green flash was some sort of a data download, then I don't have any more secrets, and if it wasn't then I think I'm still under the radar. Either way, this hasn't touched my public life yet. I make a point of not befriending budding investigative journalists, and not blithely confiding in my roommates. If Dani knows or suspects I'm a superhuman, she's polite enough to keep it to herself. I haven't really done anything worth watching yet, and I'm just a low-level cryogenetic who can barely make icicles on her fingers. If I had a valuable/dangerous talent, I would censor myself a bit more carefully, but the odds of anyone ever tracing this back to me are vanishingly small.
Regardless, if I ever make it to the big times, I'm deleting everything I ever wrote here. Celebrity comes with its disadvantages and dangers, and I don't want the media trawling through my posts to find something to throw in my face. Worst case scenario, I wind up important enough to score a tech-savvy nemesis who uses internet mumbo-jumbo to figure out who I am. If I can't get Myke to shut him up/shut him down, I guess I go public then. There are public supers in my town. I could do it. Suck it up, beat the living daylights out of whoever outed me, be a role model to all the little cryogenetics out there (and damn do they need one), do whatever hero business I can do without being bulletproof, and possibly shoot myself in the face after a week of constant public scrutiny, losing friends, worrying about my citizenship and possible military service, hearing classmates whispering about me behind my back, the government sniffing at my public records, media vultures shrieking about supers invading their precious little schools, and my family ... I don't want to think about my family. No, going public is not an option for a long, long time. I don't have as much to lose as some people, but I still want to be in control of my life. I don't want cryogenesis to be the first thing people think of when they hear my name. I don't want to live in a little gated community of supers, I don't want this to change my career, I don't want Killer Frost knocking on my door to cut down the competition. I almost understand why Mind Master tried to erase the memories of everyone in Stockport. Just to live a normal life for a little bit longer.
Monday, May 11, 2009
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Seconded, wholeheartedly.