Friday, May 22, 2009

Brain Unwinding

Free! My academic deadlines no longer loom over me like the proverbial axe. Go, me! I've spent most of the evening in a blissful B-movie stupor. Okay, B-movie is probably generous. It's a godawful old sci fi movie with cheesy special effects. I like to watch bad movies. Somebody has to. You'd think they'd get a metatech to work the puppets or something, since they've had sophisticated automatons since practically the Victorian age, but I guess they were worried about a metatech going all mad scientist and engineering the monster puppets to eat the director or something. So the special effects look like they were made with drinking straws and clay. They couldn't even afford shoestrings. Besides, I doubt a metatech would want to collaborate on yet another 'hubristic scientist unleashes forces beyond human comprehension' movie. I know I'd have moral objections to providing the special effects for Killer Frost: The Musical. That's not an actual play, but considering how many dramatizations of Cobalt's origin story we've got in book, movie and play format, it's probably not far off. Good grief, are there no supers writing good parts for supers out there?

1 comment:

  1. Were they made in the 50s? There was a major film metatech strike going on for most of 1956, I think. Or was it 54? I know metatechs were targeted under McCarthy too. When was that?

    "I know I'd have moral objections to providing the special effects for Killer Frost: The Musical. That's not an actual play, but considering how many dramatizations of Cobalt's origin story we've got in book, movie and play format, it's probably not far off."

    lol. It's funny because it's true. Depressingly, painfully true.
