Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Why haven't you posted, summer_snow? Are your finals going well? Have you suffered a pork pox relapse? Did you get hit by a truck? Did the government kidnap you? Have you concluded that the only honorable way out of this semester is via seppuku?
Not quite. As embarassing as this is, I kinda sorta wound up freezing my keyboard. Yeah, I'm that stupid. I hang my head in shame. I was typing with my icicle fingers, and then they kinda melted a little bit, and dripped under the keyboard and then refroze because I panicked and tried to solidify them in time to get them out before they short-circuited the machine that contains my final essays. And I couldn't even use a hairdryer. I had to take apart the laptop, and then take out the keyboard, and wait for that to thaw so it wouldn't damage the rest of the computer. After the ice thawed, I blasted it out with compressed air, then reassembled the computer (I have a screw left over and I don't know where it came from). Naturally, this did not help my essay deadlines. At all.
I bet Cryo never did crap like this.

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