Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sometimes The World Sucks

This Thanksgiving, I will give thanks that I am no longer in a class with Amie. Unfortunately, Thanksgiving is a ways off, and I've still got to endure one more class with her before exam week starts. Wow, can she derail class discussions. How can you turn an overview of the themes in Kafka's Metamorphosis into a discussion of druids? How? I was there, and I still don't understand the process. And then I had to ditch my lunch plans to talk to the professor about essay topics, which I didn't get to do in class because Miss Motor Mouth was doing her "I'm really thinking hard and might have an epiphany any minute" face, and the professor bought in to it and actually spent thirty minutes trying to untangle her thought processes.
I ripped the knees out of another pair of jeans. Between them, my eight pairs of jeans have nine patches. One pair is basically patched from shin to mid-thigh. This is not good. I tried to sew a patch on to the latest rip, but quit after the second time I stabbed the needle into my flesh right above the thumbnail. Crap like that is why I don't lend out my sewing kit. It's seen more blood than a surgeon's scalpel.
Velocity got out of intensive care today. Her handlers released a brief clip of her propped up in bed, but they're still keeping the media circus away from her. God, it's heartbreaking. Her face doesn't even look like her face. The clean new costume she's wearing makes it even worse somehow.
There was something in the news about Vector again. He was posing with a firefighter and wearing a shit-eating grin. I didn't bother reading the headline.

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